5 Lucrative Side Hustles That Can Make You Six Figures

5 Lucrative Side Hustles That Can Make You Six Figures

delihayat / Getty Images Making six figures on a side job sounds like a dream come true, but it’s actually a reality for some people. Alex Spinoso, MD and CEO of Genesis Lifestyle Medicine , pulls in six figures from his side hustle of reading bloodwork for people.

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“My best advice for someone looking to make at least $100K annually from side hustles is to utilize what you are already an expert at,” said Spinoso. “What specific set of skills do you have that people would pay money for?”

He added, “Once you have this narrowed down, then start to reach out to people who you know need your service through either direct marketing or word-of-mouth. Work backward from $100K and figure out, based on your client’s cost of using your services, how many people you would need to help or sign up in order to make $100K. Break this number down monthly and shoot for that goal! Pretty soon you’ll have an easy six-figure side hustle.”

That’s one way to go about it! Here are some other ways to hustle your way to a six-figure side gig. Mow Lawns

While it might be hard to believe, it is possible to earn six figures on the side doing lawn care — especially if you have a steady stream of clients and you’re willing to hustle like crazy during the week and on the weekends.

Bryan Clayton, the CEO of GreenPal , which is best described as Uber for lawn care, said that out of the 9,500 vendor partners GreenPal has, 53% of them earn over $100,000 a year in revenue on the company’s platform.

“Many of our lawn care vendors are part-timers,” said Clayton. “Some are firemen, some are teachers that use our app in the summer to make extra money, while others are college students that work afternoons and weekends. It is the perfect way for them to make extra money.”

He added, “Our average vendor makes around $55 per hour mowing lawns on our system. They set their own hours and pick the clients they want to work for. It is the perfect side job.”

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If you don’t want to hustle like crazy and drive from job to job, offering remote professional services is another option. The key to reaching six figures quickly is to leverage your professional skills and expertise to provide a service that your clients are willing to pay you handsomely for but that won’t take up much of your time.

“My wife and I have full-time jobs, but we operate a remote law firm as a side hustle,” said Shawn Bryer of The Hive Law . “Our area of practice is divorce and estate planning. Most divorces require lawyers to show up to court for contested issues. We solely focus on uncontested divorces. This allows us to resolve issues between spouses remotely without going into court. Instead of going the traditional route with a law firm, we have set up our law firm in a way that works around our lifestyle.”

Bryer continued, “We work about nine hours per week on the law firm on average. We are also averaging 15 uncontested divorces per year. At $7,500 per uncontested divorce, divorces alone bring us about $112,500 in revenue per year. That doesn’t include the estate planning that we also do for clients.” Start Multiple Blogs

Making six figures from blogging won’t happen overnight, but with a solid, proven plan and dedication, it’s possible to build up to that amount of revenue over time. And while there are success stories of people making six figures per year from a single blog, you’re more likely to reach this goal if you are able to get multiple content-rich blogs up and running like the following successful blogger.

Jeff Campbell from Middle Class Dad is a blogger who stated that he makes around $300,000 annually. Campbell did quit his day job last year, but prior to that, he said blogging was a side hustle.

Campbell currently has 11 content-oriented websites. “The articles on the sites are between 1,000 and 2,000 words usually and are designed to simply answer questions searchers are typing into Google,” said Campbell. “I make money through a combination of display ads and recommending products I get a commission on (often, but not exclusively, Amazon). While I wrote […]

source 5 Lucrative Side Hustles That Can Make You Six Figures

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