Category: Categories

This Time It Can Be Different; How Bumper Finance Can Mature the DeFi Market

It’s all starting to get quite exciting, again. After April’s system shock led to a long downward trend in the market, the Bitcoin defibrillator sparked […]

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2 Top Cryptocurrencies to Buy for the Long Haul

The total cryptocurrency market cap has soared about 200% this year, hitting $2.5 trillion at the time this was written. Much of that growth has […]

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Are NFTs a bubble awaiting a pin or the next big investment theme?

Image source: Getty Images You’ve probably heard of NFTs by now. It stands for non-fungible token, with the non-fungible bit meaning they’re unique and can’t […]

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No 401(k)? No Problem. Other Ways to Consider Saving for Retirement

4 min read If your friends and family all talk about how well their 401(k)s are doing and you don’t have one, it can be […]

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Very Bad News For REIT Investors

Historically, REITs have done the worst during times of rising interest rates and slowing economic growth. Well, it appears increasingly likely that that’s what we […]

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Absa : 2021’s Faces of Financial Freedom

To view a replay of the online event where the winner of the 2021 Absa/City Press Money Makeover Challenge was announced, click here Read all […]

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What is DeFi? how and why

Illustration by Danielle Chenette Hi Quartz members, Whether it’s on Twitter or from your college roommate who won’t stop talking about crypto, you might have […]

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Are these the 5 best side hustles around?

Image source: Getty images Are you looking to earn some extra cash on the side through a side hustle? Perhaps you want to start an […]

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Should You Play With F.I.R.E.?

According to the 2021 results of its annual study, Hearts & Wallets, a research and benchmarking company that analyzes consumer behaviors around saving, investing , […]

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