Filipina who started baking keto bread to lose weight post-pregnancy, now owns an online bakery: Here’s how

Filipina who started baking keto bread to lose weight post-pregnancy, now owns an online bakery: Here’s how

With Dh30,000 in savings, Filipina went from baking at home to setting up a bakery online Filipina expat Francoise Albrando Crosbie, who started baking keto bread to lose weight post-pregnancy, now owns an online bakery: Here’s how Dubai: UAE decade-long resident Francoise Albrando Crosbie likes to call her foray into entrepreneurship as “happenstance”.

What started as baking keto bread for herself in her home kitchen, was surprisingly followed by setting up a bakery business online, with her baked keto goods now also being stocked in a popular hypermarket chain in the UAE. An entrepreneurial journey that began by baking keto bread at home

Around three-and-a-half years ago, Crosbie struggled to lose weight after giving birth to her son. Crosbie’s sister suggested she try the low carb keto diet, requesting her to bake an almond bread in hopes of motivating her to start baking and eating healthy.

That was the first almond bread that Crosbie had baked and since it came out well, she posted a few photos on a group on social media. Crosbie wasn’t fully prepared for what happened afterwards.

“The photos that I’d posted on social media received extremely positive response. Many new mothers like me started asking if I could bake and deliver almond breads and other keto foodstuff to them. This community of mums helped me earn my first order worth Dh600. Every week I’d receive 10-12 orders from them. I’d bake twice a week and drive around to deliver the goods.”

Lesson (#1) – Word-of-mouth marketing is very effective

Those initial photos that Crosbie had posted on a social media page created a snowball effect. In less than a month she was inundated with orders and had to bring on board a friend who baked with her. “I strongly believe that every happy customer is a gateway to a dozen more. Such is the power of word-of-mouth marketing that helps businesses gain trust, credibility and customers. As a small business this was invaluable for me.” Picture used for illustrative purposes. Soon enough Crosbie realised that there was a need for affordably priced keto goods in the market. “Three and a half years ago the keto movement in the UAE wasn’t as big as it is today. There weren’t many options, and it was expensive to buy low carb and sugar-free breads and other foodstuff. This also meant that we had a first-mover advantage, something that we wanted to leverage on.”

Towards the beginning of 2019 as orders kept increasing Crosbie felt it was time to take the next big step. From being a two-person show operating out of a home kitchen Crosbie rented a shared kitchen space, got a license and set up Keto Goodies Dubai.

Lesson (#2) – Start-up cost doesn’t have to be high

Crosbie invested a little over Dh30,000 to kick start her business. While she largely used personal savings to start the business, she also took a bank loan of Dh50,000 to create a runway for the business and for “rainy day sustenance.”

‘Runway’ refers to the amount of time a company has before it runs out of cash. If your net ‘burn rate’ is Dh10,000 a month and you have Dh100,000 in the bank, you’ve got 10 months to start generating positive cash flow. When calculating your runway, it’s important to use your net burn rate.

“For any business and more so a start-up creating brand visibility is crucial,” Crosbie stated. “This may even require aligning with experts in social media marketing who have deep understanding of how algorithms work, market the brand to the right audience and drive customer engagement.” That’s why right from the beginning Crosbie decided to allocate around Dh8,000 per month for social media marketing and advertising.

Lesson (#3) – Set aside a decent marketing budget

In 2019 buying keywords and ads in the keto space was cheaper than now. As the keto movement gained steam over the years, it has also become more expensive to run ad campaigns. Currently Crosbie’s monthly marketing budget has increased to over Dh16,000 per month [double of what she spent initially]. UAE decade-long resident Francoise Albrando Crosbie likes to call her foray into entrepreneurship as “happenstance”. As the brand gained customer trust the business grew. “I had to take some decisions quickly that included moving from the small to a bigger kitchen space towards the beginning of 2020 at a higher rent of Dh12,000 per month. I had to gradually increase the product range and grow the team. All this required […]

source Filipina who started baking keto bread to lose weight post-pregnancy, now owns an online bakery: Here’s how

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