Finixio Bullish on Crypto and Increases Acquisitions & Investments

Finixio Bullish on Crypto and Increases Acquisitions & Investments

UK-based Finixio is rapidly becoming one of the biggest crypto media and customer acquisition companiesworldwide.

Founded by Adam Grunwerg and Sam Miranda in November 2018, Finixio has grown considerably, nowowning a portfolio of more than 60 websites, with a combined monthly visitor count of 10 million uniquevisitors per month.

Finixio is highly aggressive when it comes to expanding its crypto portfolio of websites. In the last fewmonths alone it has acquired one of the largest crypto news sites in Czech Republic, , and ithas launched its own B2B division for high value clients.

Major companies that partner with Finixio now include Binance, eToro, and one of the world’sleading crypto exchanges, Coinbase. Finixio Bullish on the Future of Crypto

Alongside many other venture capital companies, Finixio has announced that it is very bullish on the future ofcrypto.

According to Grunwerg, CEO of Finixio: “As a company, we’re extremely bullish on the future of crypto. This doesn’t just include Bitcoin, it includes other market developments and tokens as well.

NFTs and the Metaverse are two huge new areas of growth that create entire new industries. We see hugegrowth in Defi products and services in which users can earn interest and rewards for the crypto they hold, aswell as Crypto-friendly debit cards to spend their money.”

When questioning the growth and criticism of cryptocurrencies, Grunwerg hits back “The numbers speak for themselves. Nearly a third of the world’s adult population doesn’t have access to a bank account. In order toopen one, they have to visit their local branch, which are all closing down by the way.

Those who successfully wait 1-2 months to open an account then have to deal with an array of unexpectedbank fees and charges (including 2-3% spreads on International payments).”

Grunwerg continues. “Then along comes crypto…You can open a new account and send instant transactionswithin minutes. Your funds are readily available and secured on the blockchain.

They’re immutably stored, unlike a bank. They’re not loaned out at 90% leverage, causing a financial crisisevery decade and only giving you 0.2% in interest in return.’

And unlike fiat money, crypto is beyond government control, unaffected by Fiscal policy and shielded frominflation and negative interest rates.

Finally, if you compare user adoption of crypto in developed vs undeveloped countries, it’s only going to getbigger. The UK’s 4-5% adoption rate of cryptocurrency currently pales in contrast to larger countries such asUkraine, Russia, Turkey and Brazil which are already at 15-20%.

The positive outlook of crypto, even with the most conservative expectations, is phenomenal.” Full spectrum digital media company

Backing this bullush philosophy, Finixio is on track to be one of the fastest-growing marketing companies in the crypto industry. But more than that, it has successfully married its marketing business with techsavviness to become a full-spectrum digital media company like none other.

At the centre of this relatively new turn for the company is sub-brand , which does what it sayson the tin. But whereas other PR agency outfits rely on getting their news and brand awareness campaigns out onto media owned and controlled by others, Crypto PR can access Finixio’s network of websites.

CryptoPR’s services include press releases, NFT promotion, banner ad campaigns, advertorials & features,comparison listings & reviews and international campaigns.

You can’t buy shares in Finixio because it is a private company, but the next best thing could be to keep alook out for the future crypto projects it will be backing.

This digital media company has the midas touch right now, displaying agile marketing guile and new-foundskills as a digital asset launch platform. Finixio speculates on the risk of investing in cryptocurrencies Finixio admits there are risks and unknowns in the crypto industry. According to Adam Grunwerg:“Of course there are risks in crypto, and until regulation catches up with it all users will be forced to conduct their own due diligence. Digital communities such as Discord, Reddit and Quora are a great place to research entities. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a number of things before investing incrypto such as:-Does the product or service add tangible value? What is its main utility?-Who is the team behind it? Do they have a successful track record?-Is there any institutional investment behind them?-Are they licensed? Has it ever been subject to a 3rd party audit?-Who are its main promoters and beneficiaries? What will the future hold for cryptocurrency regulation? While governments around the world intend to adopt regulation of cryptocurrencies, Finixio is positive abouthow it will impact the industry.Finixio believes that regulation in cryptocurrency will boost both consumer protection […]

source Finixio Bullish on Crypto and Increases Acquisitions & Investments

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