No1 Crypto Influencer Evan Luthra Shares His Top 7 Picks For New Year 2022

2021 has been THE year. It’s been the year where we got to see so many new and exciting things happen in the Crypto space. Adoption rose massively, growing by over 2300% from Q3 of 2019 and over 881% in the last year. Big institutions started to play in the space and this drove the adoption of many interesting projects to impressive levels.

2021 was the year that saw Bitcoin reach an All-time-high when the apex coin saw its price reach past $68,000 for the first time on November 10 2021. Other major Altcoins like Ethereum and BNB were not left in this massive surge as they saw their prices reach impressive tops too. Ethereum so far has maxed out at $4,800 while BNB reached an all-time-high of $686.31 on May 10th 2021.

Generally, it’s been a good year for crypto enthusiasts and crypto projects. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) also saw massive adoption and acceptance in the industry. And in the spirit of innovation and adoption, the Metaverse is now the in-thing, with social media giants Facebook even going ahead to change its brand name to Meta. This move signified CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s and his company’s desire to be the torchbearers in the Metaverse which they see as the future. Get the latest stories, videos, and podcasts from Forbes India directly in your inbox every Saturday In the spirit of closing the year on a high, one of the biggest crypto Influencers, Evan Luthra has decided to share his end of the year plays. Evan reckons that these projects he’s magnanimously shared would end 2021 on good highs and yield positive returns for investors who ride the wave with them.

The first project Evan talks about (and very high, it must be added) is Gains VC. Though not a traditional company with a cryptocurrency, Gains VC has merited this mention because of the influence they’ve had in the space for investors. Gains is a Venture Capital firm that invests in viable and promising crypto projects while offering investment opportunities for retail investors. The firm has very technical analysts who conduct extensive research on budding projects by studying and gathering information from their vast network of well-connected influencers and pioneers in the Crypto space. Collaboration is a tenet Gains VC holds dear.

Next on Evan’s list is Para NFT. 2021 was the year where Non-Fungible Tokens really blew up with billions of dollars processed in the space every month. Para NFT is geared at using blockchain technology to provide an alternative and lucrative source of income for entertainers and influencers.

Built on the Polygon network, the Para NFT project already has a shoe in and this is in the German music industry (with an estimated audience of about 50,000,000 people) and by using Para, fans, investors and enthusiasts of both the blockchain and entertainment industry can participate at the most unique NFT drops from the biggest stars in Germany.

HarmonyPad is another crypto project Evan Luthra rates highly. This is the first launchpad that is built with complete decentralization in mind. It is also the first Launchpad built on the Harmony (ONE) platform. HarmonyPad is a Launchpad built to facilitate the launch of decentralized applications (dApps) with tangible use cases which will bring value to the crypto space and impact the world at large.

With an average of 2,000 transactions per second (TPS) and a potential to reach 24,000 TPS, Harmony’s Mainnet is one of the fastest blockchain networks and is faster than other networks. Like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), ThorChain etc.

Harmony network has for a while now been an important hub for many developers and budding DeFi projects. This is evident with their recent Hackathon where a prize money of $1 million was up for grabs. The Hackathon aimed to bridge Traditional Finance (TradFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) by bringing Web2 and Web3 developers together to encourage working relationships which would result in the building of exciting protocols and tools for the future.

Moving on from HarmonyPad, Astra Guild Ventures is another crypto platform Evan has tipped to yield great benefits for investors. Investing in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Astra Guild Ventures (AGV) is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) which bridges the gap between NFT gaming enthusiasts and players and investors. The organization has a community full of leaders in the Blockchain and NFT space who commit to supporting the organization in its efforts to help blockchain enthusiasts earn income by renting out community-owned assets and providing training on how to use these assets.

Earnings from playing the games […]

source No1 Crypto Influencer Evan Luthra Shares His Top 7 Picks For New Year 2022

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