6 bad money rules I've heard over and over that I refuse to pass down to my children

6 bad money rules I’ve heard over and over that I refuse to pass down to my children

The author, Ariana Arghandewal. Growing up, the No. 1 money rule I heard was “save, save, save” — but I never learned to invest.

I was also told student loans are bad, even though they get you access to an education, something I value highly.

Other bad advice I’ve heard: don’t talk about money, and slash “non-essential” spending.

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My generation — millennials — has an interesting relationship with money. We came of age during the Great Recession , when all the “safe” financial institutions were on the verge of collapse and conventional financial advice was being questioned. In the years since, financial literacy movements popped up that aimed to empower weary folks with accessible financial advice.

Since re-educating myself on money using resources from the FIRE movement (Financial Independence/Retire Early) and elsewhere, I’ve realized that much of the money advice I learned in my younger years was dated and, in some cases, downright harmful. Here is all the bad money advice I learned in my younger years that I refuse to pass down. 1. Save, save, save

Since I can remember, most financial advice I received emphasized saving over investing. Most of that came from my immigrant family, which imparted the importance of putting money aside for emergencies, buying a home, purchasing a used car in cash, etc. The financial education I received at my public school wasn’t much better. As long as I can recall, we were taught to save rather than invest.

So I put my hard-earned cash into high-yield savings accounts , earning a meager APY. This led to a lot of missed opportunities for growth. Investing didn’t even cross my mind. Part of that was because I graduated from college during the Great Recession . It was scary to put money into the stock market after millions of people lost their retirement nest eggs betting on it.

I eventually caught up to the importance of investing through various online financial communities and began doing so immediately. I just wish I’d started earlier. 0.85



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source 6 bad money rules I’ve heard over and over that I refuse to pass down to my children

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