7 Unusual Ways To Make Money During Back-to-School Season and Fall

7 Unusual Ways To Make Money During Back-to-School Season and Fall

CandyBox Images / Shutterstock.com Stepping into September means we’re heading into the back-to-school season and not far from leaves changing colors, brisk air and all things pumpkin spice. If you are a fan of fall and looking to make some extra money this season, why not combine your love for these two things as an opportunity to find one-of-a-kind jobs that might not last year-round?

See: 22 Side Gigs That Can Make You Richer Than a Full-Time Job
Important: How Much Cash To Have Stashed at Home at All Times

Here’s a roundup of GOBankingRates’ favorite fall side hustles so you can turn this autumnal season into a profitable one. 1. Reselling College Furniture

One unique way to make money this fall is by scouting out the housing near college campuses for great furniture finds. John Frigo, e-commerce manager with Best Price Nutrition , does this every fall to make some extra cash.

“I live near a college and at the end of each semester, but especially at the end of the year I’ll drive by the dorms as well as the surrounding neighborhood where everyone is throwing out a ton of stuff from textbooks to desks to beds and everything in between,” Frigo said. “Oftentimes this stuff is nearly new and I get it all for free. When school is back in session I’ll advertise it on Facebook Marketplace, Craiglist and OfferUp as well as on the school bulletin boards. This stuff is 100% free when I get it and I’ll typically make anywhere from $1,200 to $6,400 reselling this stuff to a new batch of students.” 2. Yardwork

The season of fall also means falling leaves and clogged-up rain gutters. There are some simple ways to make money outdoors that require no special skills and little upfront cost.

“In the fall everyone wants their leaves raked or mulched up, and their bushes trimmed as it is the best time to do these things,” said Matthew Robbs, founder of Smart Saving Advice , a website that answers financial and investing questions. “Another great side hustle for the fall time is cleaning out gutters. Many people cannot climb a ladder and clean out gutters because of physical limitations, so you can make excellent money with just your hands, a ladder and a bucket to put all the leaves and debris in the gutter.” 3. Knitting

Nothing beats cozy knitwear as the weather cools and winds pick up during the fall. Knitting is a great side hustle to take up during this season, as homemade knit products are highly sought after and you can make some substantial cash on the side.

A great place to start when knitting is by crafting a scarf. After you build confidence and are more sure of your skills, you can move on to blankets, bags, sweaters, socks and other soft and cozy fall necessities. Consider selling your items on Etsy or at a local farmers market in order to make some money off your new skill. 4. Face Painting

Pumpkin patch season is just around the corner and the opening of these locations also means an increased demand for artists

Transform your artistic hobby into a money-making venture this fall by purchasing a face painting kit and all the supplies you need for a small upfront cost of approximately $50. Practice makes perfect, so grab kids in your neighborhood and family members to practice your painting skills on. Once you become confident in your designs and have a portfolio of your offerings, you can start making money. Bring your skills to pumpkin patches, festivals, parties, special events and theaters. 5. School Supply Shopping

An up-and-coming way to make money during the fall is by helping out busy parents and guardians by becoming a personal school supply shopper for students this year.

This is a limited-time opportunity, but nevertheless a profitable option for those looking to make some money on the side this fall. Simply promote your venture through flyers on school campuses and across Facebook and social media sites to spread the word about your business. Parents and teachers with a packed schedule will appreciate the convenience of this service and, as long as you build a great rapport, will likely seek out your offerings next fall. 6. Dog Walking

As students head back to school and events ramp up this season, dog parents are looking for people who can help them get their furry companions the exercise they need.

Check out companies like Wag or Rover […]

source 7 Unusual Ways To Make Money During Back-to-School Season and Fall

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