Neil Lassen. This story is available exclusively to Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now.
Neil Lassen went from pushing carts at Target to running an e-commerce business that earned over $2 million in the last year.
The best advice he got about money was from his father, who emphasized self-sufficiency.
He also realized the importance of saving, and began viewing money as a tool rather than a goal.
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Neil Lassen was a college student making $8 per hour pushing carts at Target when he decided he wanted to see if he could make money online . At first, his ambitions were humble.
“Literally my only goal was to make like $15 per day,” Lassen said. “I didn’t care how I did it,” he continued, because that money would cover his rent, “and that would cover rice and beans.” As long as he could do that, he said, he would be satisfied.
He started looking into things like affiliate marketing, and how to make money on YouTube. Eventually, he would start selling physical products and get into e-commerce. Within months, he was earning more than enough to quit his job.
Today, Lassen lives in Boulder, Colorado and spends his days working on his e-commerce business, teaching others how to make money selling merchandise online like he did. According to records viewed by Insider, his business earned more than $2 million in revenue in the last year.
He shared with Insider three insights about money that helped him go from living paycheck to paycheck to working for himself. 0.85
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