Investing In The Future: The WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund

Investing In The Future: The WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund


As exciting innovations in AI continue to be made and applied in novel ways, industries will be revolutionized to reach new horizons.

One recent area of focus for AI has been drug discovery, which is utilizing AI with the explicit goal of helping an expert researcher achieve a faster solution.

The key to semiconductors is understanding their function – data collection, storage, transfer and computation – all necessities for AI.

To offer investors access to key areas of innovation in AI, WisdomTree created WTAI, which seeks to track the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Index.

ipopba/iStock via Getty Images By Blake Heimann and Christopher Gannatti, CFA

When people hear “AI,” their minds frequently jump to the ominous image Hollywood has painted through films like The Terminator and The Matrix —entertaining but not necessarily an accurate portrayal of AI.

Something more realistic and familiar might be the chatbot you encountered when trying to return an order to an online retailer. Or it could be your phone recognizing your face when it unlocks, or maybe your car preemptively applying the brakes when the car in front of you slows down quickly. These are a few real-world examples of areas where AI influences our lives for the better today.

As exciting innovations in AI continue to be made and applied in novel ways, industries will be revolutionized to reach new horizons. Some of the greatest progress we have seen over the last few years has been in areas like drug discovery, autonomous driving and language translation. What Is AI Today? Software and Semiconductors


One recent area of focus for AI has been drug discovery, which is utilizing AI with the explicit goal of helping an expert researcher achieve a faster solution. Natural Language Processing: It is possible for today’s software applications to recognize and process text, creating a searchable database of all relevant research published on a particular topic. In drug discovery, all prior published clinical research could be processed quickly, and important notations flagged for a human researcher, mitigating the risk of wasted attempts going down paths already trodden.

Generative Design: There could be billions of ways to attempt to arrange different molecules. With AI, the rules of chemistry can be “learned” by an algorithm through observations of molecular data, and arrays of solutions can be suggested within the given parameters set by the researcher.

Drug discovery is not at a point where the software alone can instantly develop new drugs. But it can be used to augment the efforts of human experts, potentially allowing the research phase to conclude faster. Augmenting the capabilities of strong human skills is a big theme within AI.


The key to semiconductors is understanding their function – data collection, storage, transfer and computation – all necessities for AI. Grasping their ultimate placement and purpose offers additional context for their important role in the AI ecosystem. At the Edge: Within AI, the term “edge” means data is collected at a peripheral location, and the AI model can be run without the need to send the data elsewhere. These chips are specialized for their use case in the sense that if a chip is in a drone for navigation, it is constrained to a limited size and weight, as well as power consumption rate, so it can fly without burning through its battery life.

In the Cloud: OpenAI put out its GPT3 language model – a model with 175 billion parameters. Training models of this size require immense computational resources, most likely within the cloud. The chips here can be manufactured with a single thought in mind: maximum performance.

One must recognize that semiconductors are designed to serve a specific function, and the industry is moving toward more highly customized chips fit for individualized purposes – like how Apple ( AAPL ) started developing its own semiconductors for its products recently, bypassing the services of Intel ( INTC ). How Does WisdomTree Capture This Unique Opportunity? Enter WTAI

To offer unique access to the AI investment domain, we introduce the WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Fund ( WTAI ), the fund that seeks to track the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence & Innovation Index (WAII) .

In reviewing the competition, WisdomTree concluded two things: Pure rules-based approaches, like screening for the number of patents or revenue based on certain business activities, may be too broad to focus […]

source Investing In The Future: The WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund

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