Setting up a budget right out of college is easy—and smart

Setting up a budget right out of college is easy—and smart

Making a budget is one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success. And post-college graduation is a great time to start so you can build good money habits and watch your nest egg — and financial security — grow.

“If you don’t understand what you have coming in and going out, there’s no way to have a clear plan for your finances,” explains Lauryn Williams, a certified financial planner and founder of Worth Winning , a company that provides financial guidance to young professionals. “You can calculate so many things and understand so much about what your financial goals are.”

And, setting up a budget is a lot simpler than you think.

The key components of your budget are:

Income : how much money you earn by working or through investments
Expenses :
– Fixed : any expense that is recurring and the amount largely stays the same (rent, utilities, loan payments, etc.)
– Variable : any expense that changes over time (gas, groceries, dining out, etc.)
Savings : what’s left over when you subtract your expenses from your income

See? Not too complicated.

Whether you just graduated or you’ll be graduating soon, here are a few tips to help you get started. What are your expenses?

First, you have to know what your expenses are — both fixed and variable.

Fixed expenses are easy to budget for since they are consistent costs.

It is “important to know your fixed costs going into each month,” said Mary-Katheryn Egger, an accounting and retail management major at Syracuse University. “This way you always have the funds to cover those costs and know what is left over.”

Mary-Katheryn Egger, a senior at Syracuse University majoring in accounting and retail management

Photo: Brian Camarao

Variable expenses are a little trickier, because they may recur but they don’t always and the amount fluctuates.

It can be hard to list out all the things you spend money on and how much you spend on each. If you’re unsure, an easy way to see your routine purchases is to look at past transactions.

“I like to utilize my old bank account statements as reference to what I’ve spent in the past, and what my income has looked like,” Egger explains.

Looking at your past statements is one of the easiest ways to see all your spending history in one spot. If you use a debit card, you should check your bank account statement, but a lot of credit cards also have some sort of a spending tool on their app that breaks down how much you’re spending and where (gas, restaurants, entertainment, etc.). This will definitely help you in determining what your expenses are and how much you should be budgeting for each.

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source Setting up a budget right out of college is easy—and smart

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