The 5 Biggest Technology Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now

The 5 Biggest Technology Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now

As a futurist, it’s my job to look ahead and identify the most important future trends in business and technology. However, many of them won’t become relevant until decades from now. For more actionable advice and to help business leaders prioritize, I also provide a look into the more immediate future. The 5 Biggest Technology Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now Adobe Stock Every year, I look ahead and outline the key tech trends for the coming year – those that businesses must address today to remain competitive.

So, let’s take a look at my list of key tech trends that everyone should be ready for.

AI Everywhere

Ok, the AI hype has been around for a while, but if you’re not someone who is actively involved with working on technology, you may not appreciate how ubiquitous AI has become. We use smart algorithms every time we search the internet, shop online, navigate as we travel, choose how we entertain ourselves, manage our schedules, and carry out countless tasks – both creative and mundane.

The hype isn’t going to end any time soon. AI has been described by Google CEO Sundar Pichai as “more significant than fire or electricity” in terms of the impact it will have on human civilization. The maturing ecosystem of no-code AI solutions and as-a-service platforms will continue to make it more accessible. With technology infrastructure and (to some extent) budget no longer a hard barrier to entry, those with good ideas will be able to create new AI-enhanced products and services which simplify or enhance our lives.

One strong focus of AI activity in 2023 will be around the augmentation of workers. Although AI will inevitably lead to the disappearance of some types of human jobs, new ones will emerge to replace them. Responsible, forward-looking employers will increasingly think about navigating this change by enabling workforces to fully leverage the new tools that are available to them.

Another exciting field to watch is synthetic content . This involves harnessing the creative power of AI to produce entirely new images, sounds, or information that has never existed before. Just like a human does when they paint a picture or write a piece of music. Natural language algorithms enable computers to understand and recreate human language communications. This means I can have my avatar answer a question or deliver a talk in my own voice without ever having to have spoken the words. The same technology drives the infamous Tom Cruise deepfakes , and the Metaphysic act that has wowed audiences on America’s Got Talent this year. In 2023, we can expect to see growth in the use of this generative form of AI across entertainment and business.

The Future Internet (Metaverse)

At this stage, I think the best description that can be applied to the term metaverse is just “a more immersive digital world .”This might sound a bit woolly, but no one really knows what immersive online environments and next-level user experience will look like in five years’ time. Mark Zuckerberg thinks it will be about virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), while creators of web3 platforms like Decentraland or The Sandbox think it will also be about decentralization and blockchains. The ideas are not mutually exclusive, and there’s no reason that the internet of tomorrow won’t be both decentralized and built around immersion and 3D content. But with various competing ideas being thrown around when it comes to defining the term metaverse, it’s not surprising that in 2022 some people got confused.

Since Mark Zuckerberg kicked off the metaverse hype in late 2021, all manner of large organizations in industries from banking to fashion, entertainment, and video gaming have jumped on board. Most have done so by simply taking advantage of existing metaverse-leaning platforms like Decentraland, Roblox, or The Sandbox to establish their first metaverse “outposts .”They’re hoping to connect with the first wave of early adopter metaverse users (largely thought to be generation Z), as well as demonstrate their cool by being involved in the early stages of the “next big thing .”Clothing retailer Forever 21, for example, probably does not expect to make much money or much improve the customer experience of its average fan, with the presence it launched this year in Roblox. The aim is to understand the opportunities, test the available technology and demonstrate, to its shareholders and to the tech community – that it’s capable of swiftly moving on emerging trends.

In 2023, this outpost-building and piloting will become steadily more […]

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