Why is Crypto Down? Check the Top 6 Crypto Buy During the Crypto Crash

Why is Crypto Down? Check the Top 6 Crypto Buy During the Crypto Crash


Pradeep D’Souza, who grew up in a family that adopted stray dogs and took care of sick puppies, is now the keeper of many fragile species, both birds and small animals.

Ashvini Jojra’s social work is going on under the canopy of Serving All Humanity Yearningly Over the Globe (Sehyog India), of which he is the founder-president.

Used as a live firing range by security forces, Tosamaidan had turned into a death zone shells often killed civilians. Then Dr Shaikh Ghulam Rasool stepped in.

83-year-old Ghulam Mohammad Zaz is the last working craftsman in eight generations of Srinagar’s famous craftsmen who make santoors, sitars and rababs.

Jagbir Singh’s Pritam Spiritual Trust, a voluntary organisation, has provided artificial limbs to over 10,000 people, mostly landmine amputees, victims of cross-border firing and shelling.

With Bitcoin plummeting to its lowest point in the last 18 months, we are witnessing the largest crypto crash in history. In the last couple of months, an estimated $300 billion (some experts claim as much as $600 billion) has been wiped out from the world’s crypto exchanges.

The last year has been a turbulent one for the crypto market, as we saw both incredible gains and massive losses. 2022 started better, even with the Russian invasion of Ukraine that sent shockwaves across the markets. However, April was a fairly good month, but then May came and it all went crashing down. The effects of the crypto crash are so massive that we already have prophets of doom foretelling the death of crypto and return to the dominance of fiat currencies. While the situation is obviously dire, we feel that perhaps the forecasts may be a tad exaggerated. The future of crypto post-crash may not be as gloomy as some would have you believe.

Top 6 Crypto Buy During the Crypto Crash – Outline

Despite all the gloom and doom you can hear these days about the future of the crypto market, some distinct investment opportunities have become quite attractive during the crypto crash. As suspected, some tokens proved more resilient than others and are weathering the storm easily. Here are our choices for the top five cryptos to buy during the crash.

start=”3″> Battle Infinity (iBAT)

start=”4″> DeFi Coin (DEFC)

start=”5″> Bitcoin (BTC)

start=”6″> Ethereum (ETH)

Top 6 Crypto Buy During the Crypto Crash – Detailed Overview

Tamadoge (TAMA)

Tamadoge is one of the newest crypto offerings on the markets. It’s the next big thing in the meme coin ecosystem, and a real successor to Dogecoin. In fact, Tamadoge belongs to the same ecosystem, so it uses the success of DOGE to attract investors, and it’s doing so flawlessly.

The project is advertised as a meme coin, but it’s much more than that. The core of the project is set in a vibrant metaverse where users can meet each other, hang out, compete in various games, and win valuable prizes. It also features a built-in NFT store, interactive digital pets, and multiple play-to-earn games that can help you win tokens and in-game items.

The game is loosely based on a popular hand-held digital game from the early 90s called Tamagochi. Like in the original title, your primary goal is to take care of your digital pets and ensure that they are happy and healthy as they grow up. You can use each animal to play levels and complete challenges. As you progress, your pet becomes stronger and bigger, giving you an edge when battling other pets. Moreover, every pet and in-game item work as NFTs, so you can buy, sell and trade them using the platform’s native currency – TAMA.TAMA tokens are used as the platform’s utility coins, and you’ll need them for all types of transactions within the Tamaverse. They come with zero transaction taxes, which is always a welcomed feature. You can also obtain tokens by reaching the top of the monthly leaderboards. The most active players extra TAMA tokens they can spend or swap for other cryptos on exchanges.Tamadoge is still in its earliest stages, so you can’t really do much except download the App and try a few levels for free. However, the project entered presale a few weeks ago, so you can get your supply of TAMA tokens at a discount. The tokens are priced at $0.01, and the minimum purchase is $150. Since TAMA tokens are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, you’ll need either USDT or […]

source Why is Crypto Down? Check the Top 6 Crypto Buy During the Crypto Crash

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